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yes, I am with You

Updated: Jan 23, 2022

If we’re honest, we have all heard the word, amen; but do we really understand the significance of this word?

This word has been on my mind for a few months, and I have been challenged to not just accept the standard definition that this word carries. Many would say that Amen is just what you say at the end of a prayer [that you’re not finished praying until this word has been said], others believe that it means “so be it.”

And although these are both valid definitions of the word. I think the word carries more significance.

If amen just means so be it, then it removes our responsibility in the situation – almost abnegating our role and implying that God’s say is the only way. However, I’ve had a revelation that amen is not only in God’s hands but there is a certain concurrence that happens when we choose to say amen.

Amen is more than just a one sided, “okay fine, You do it.” Amen is a partnership with God, two events happening at once. Amen requires a simultaneous surrender from us and control from God, working in complete harmony to achieve what is only possible with God.

Amen is a statement of agreement, it is an intentional “Yes, I’m with You God.”

What if everything in our lives was approached with an Amen Attitude? With a yes, I’m with You God, attitude. What if our response to the things of God is let’s do this together, you lead the way?

Amen sums up all that we believe in Christianity. I cannot exist without my creator, the One who wants to do life with me. Not because I am incapable but because He is God. And with God, life is unstoppable.

Jesus chose to live with an Amen Attitude. He chose to live in coexistence with His Creator, to walk with God, not because He was incapable [Jesus was God, and still surrendered to God’s sovereignty] Jesus trusted the Father, let’s trust the Father too.

[Psalm 17:4-5 MSG] I’m not trying to get my way in the world’s way. I’m trying to get your way, your Word’s way. I’m staying on your trail; I’m putting one foot in front of the other. I’m not giving up.

Let’s choose to surrender our control, for God’s sovereignty and choose to do life with God. Hand in hand, side by side, choosing to allow God to direct our lives.

Yes, I am with You. That’s amen.

God, let’s do this together!


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