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patch work

A few weeks ago we were gifted a beautiful pine table, it had been diy'd before and so it needed a bit of a makeover which I was super keen to do. Initially I was slightly hesitant to start the project, but I knew what I wanted to achieve and it didn't seem too complicated [just a couple coats of paint and wood sealant would do the trick].

Total confession, after the first coat of paint I thought to myself, 'what have I done?' The first coat was so patchy and it looked like I had no idea what I was doing. But in the same moment I was so aware that the first coat of paint on any object doesn't look great and that I just needed to keep going to complete the project as best as I could.

This was such a reminder to me [especially since I'm still figuring out life in a new city] the first time you make a change, start doing something new, or do something you haven't done for a while, it's okay if the first try is a little bit "patchy."

Patchy | adjective

| used to describe something existing or happening in small, isolated areas

| not of the same quality throughout; inconsistent

In the same way that painting a first coat of paint to a table did not create a consistent white finish, we cannot expect ourselves to be consistent in a skill that we did for the first time.

So maybe you just started a new job, you are probably not going to get it right on your first day. Maybe you've just taken on a new role, it's okay if you don't slot right in as if nothing changed. Maybe you've made big life decisions, give yourself time to figure it all out. Or maybe you're about to make a big life-altering decision and you're hesitant because you're not quite sure how it's going to turn out.

Give it go! You'll never know if you never try.

Side note: don't give up when the first try is a fail. Keep going. It takes three coats for a decent, consistent paint job. Nobody stops using the paint, or tries something else when the first coat of paint is patchy ;)

Be like paint.

Paint has a purpose.

Paint is confident in what it does.

Paint knows that the first time will not be consistent.

Paint consistently does the same thing to get the desired result.

Paint can be either practical or meaningful depending on the hands it is in.

So if you were paint, what would the canvas of your life look like?

Maybe the first question that needs to be asked is, who is holding the paint brush?

And more importantly, do you need to give the paint brush to Someone else?

Paul wrote a letter to the church - a group of people who believed in Jesus and who tried their best to live like it every day - in Philippi, a city in modern day Greece.

Paul prays a significant prayer, in fact, if you're reading this, this prayer is for you too!

Philippians 1:6 | The Passion Translation

I pray with great faith for you, because I am fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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Be confident like paint!

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