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immovable truth

Updated: Jan 23, 2022

Recently I spent time in the Drakensberg. For those who may not know, the Drakensberg is the main mountain range in Southern Africa with some of the most amazing views of the mountain range that can be seen as you drive through the area.

When we were driving to the resort that we were staying at, we got caught in a lot of traffic which meant that we only arrived in the Drakensberg once it was dark.

Because it was so dark, we actually had no idea what our surroundings looked like.

It reminded me of how life can be.

We go through life, so focused on getting to a specific destination and we can see where we’re going and the scenery along the way is great, but then suddenly it gets really dark, and we cannot see what is around us at all.

Are we even going to the right place? Does the darkness mean that we’ve lost our way? What if we don’t get to where we want to go? This doesn’t look familiar…

With so many questions distracting us, we can veer off course or choose to give up and stop heading towards the destination, but if we hold onto the promise of where we want to be, rather than focusing on the darkness around us, we will soon realise that the darkness has to end eventually.

If we chose to simply stop and not go to our destination we would have missed the incredible view that we woke up to. It was such a special moment waking up the next morning, opening the curtains and literally reacting with the word ‘wow’; seeing a view that made us stand in awe.

What have you missed out on just because you were discouraged by the darkness?

This is something I relate to in many ways, because darkness is discouraging. When you hope for something and it doesn’t happen, it becomes a little less easy to cling to what you can see.

But there is an immovable truth that we need to be aware of, the view had always been there, but the darkness prevented us from seeing it.

The truth is that just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

God is an immovable truth, just because we don’t see Him, doesn’t mean He doesn’t exist.

In the Bible there are many times when day and night are spoken about. There is one account that speaks about, “when will the night end,” and as I read that scripture I was reminded that in biblical times, there were no clocks telling people how much longer the darkness would last, but there was a guarantee that the darkness would always end. Day is inevitable, we just need to hold onto the immovable truth through the darkness.

Night is often seen as a time of uncertainty because we lack clear vision, and although we cannot see with our physical eyes, darkness shouldn’t change how we view life with our spiritual sight.

We may not be able to predict how much longer the night will last, but there will be light.

When we experience darkness for too long, we think the promises that God has made with us have been forgotten, but truth is, we have just lost sight of the destination, but we still need to keep going on the journey.

God’s promises are immovable, just like the Drakensberg mountain range – there is nothing we can do to move the mountains, although clouds, and darkness might make it seem like they don’t exist, that is not true.

Doubt, insecurity and discouragement cloud our minds, but we cannot allow doubt, insecurity and discouragement to alter the promise.

The mountains are still there. God’s promises still hold true.

Just because you can’t see the promise, doesn’t mean the promise doesn’t exist.

God’s promises are immovable.

Are you willing to journey through the darkness until the promise is tangibly visible?


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