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choose mercy

Writer: Jen Jen

Updated: Jan 23, 2022

This word reminds me of a game that my brother and I used to play [full disclosure, this game was completely initiated by my brother, and only my brother]; called mercy.

Now maybe it’s a 90’s kid thing, so for those who have never heard of this game. It’s when one person takes a hard grip on another person [at times an agreed upon match, but in my case, I was unaware of the incoming pain] and the person holds the grip, making it ever so tighter, until one person concedes and says mercy.

I never really thought of the significance of the meaning of the word mercy, until I suddenly realized why the “game” was called mercy. In the game, you take as much pain as possible before saying mercy, because the aim of the game is not to give up first…

Thinking back, this game formed the foundation in my mind that when pain increases you just have to take it, because admitting mercy, is admitting defeat.

Mercy in this case, is simply – I just can’t anymore. I surrender.

This is true in our lives as well, especially when we feel like life has a tight grip on us, when there is constant tension, relentless pain and it gets to a point where we just want to scream, “MERCY!”

Oh, we have all experienced moments in life like this. But I am so encouraged that when we get to the point where we want to scream mercy – I just can’t anymore - that it is not admitting defeat; but rather surrender requires strength.

I recently heard these words:

“Give me the strength to let go. Give me the strength to surrender. I choose mercy instead of control.”

And I was reminded that choosing to surrender takes an inner strength that we often misplace. We think that letting go is a sign of weakness, but surrender is knowing when you cannot take any more on your own, choosing to let go requires strength - choosing to whole-heartedly surrender to God, allowing Him to give us the strength to carry on – requires inner-strength.

Hebrews 4:16 MSG So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.

God doesn’t want to see us crippled in pain. He wants to carry the pain with us and for us.

Will you choose mercy? Will you choose surrender?

In the moments when you feel like you are begging for mercy, God is ready to give us what we need. I love how the Passion Translation shares this scripture:

“So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.”

Pain is weakness. Mercy is strength.

I choose mercy. I choose surrender.



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