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  • Writer's pictureJen


Updated: Jan 21, 2022

A whole year later, and in some ways it feels as if nothing has changed, yet everything has changed at the same time. This tension creates an oxymoron in our lives of where exactly we need to be, or how we should feel.

Have you ever felt like life is going nowhere slowly? Situations are changing and there is progress but then every so often it feels like life loops right back around and it is as if nothing has moved forward.

At times, things in life may have come to a complete stand-still, but with God, is anything ever not moving forward?

God moves when we start to move towards Him.

That’s where the ultimate power lies. We don’t hold the power to move our lives, but God holds the power to move our hearts, minds and everything that extends from there.

Often the movement of our hearts and minds closer to God, doesn’t require work, it just requires being intentionally in the presence of God.

Movement as an individual doesn’t seem to have a significant impact, but when we are part of a mass movement, real movement happens.

I was recently by the coast, and there is something so significant with the movement of the ocean. There is power in the movement of the water moving back and forth. The constant movement doesn’t seem to make a big difference initially, but as I walked along the beach I found debris from objects that had been nowhere near the shore line.

The power of movement is not in the big things, in fact when movement happens too quickly it can be extremely destructive. The small consistent movement of the tide pulling out and pushing in, results in big changes over time.

The daily, consistent movement of drawing closer and closer to God, moving intentionally into His presence, results in big changes in our lives over time.

There is power in movement!

The big question is, are you ready to join the movement?

Let’s move together.


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Jun 09, 2021

Love this Jen!

Jun 09, 2021
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Thank you 🤗


Jun 08, 2021

very good jen

Jun 09, 2021
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Thank you 🤗

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